
SiPALS|食兵器 - 劍形製冰器


SiPALS|食兵器 - 劍形製冰器

 『冰器』諧音『兵器』。設計師將著名兵器轉換為詼諧趣味的製冰器,型態取自春秋戰國時期戰士使用的青銅劍,面飾源自同時代的青銅器。 繼上一代冰劍受到大家喜愛後,續推新一代劍形製冰器,設計上新增防滴漏不沾手、好抽拔結構,輔以冰山立座;這些巧思不但讓製冰更便利,在享用冰棒的過程中,也能演一段古代俠士冰山拔取寶劍的橋段,讓炎炎夏日更添樂趣! One of our most popular products, an ice mold set featuring the iconic bronze swords of China’s Spring and Autumn Period returns once again! With new design features that make the set cleaner and easier to use, fans of the series will also notice that each sword now elegantly rests within its individual ice stand.  As the heat of summer approaches, your weapon awaits. Now is the time to draw your sword and fulfill your destiny!  【商品介紹】   【無首劍 The Sword of Wu Shou】削鐵如泥無首劍,能輕易克敵制勝。Cutting through iron like paper, its owner is the victor of a thousand battles. 劍柄 Hilt型態取自 春秋晚期  無首劍劍格 Cross-guard紋路取自 商晚期 融尊劍鞘 Scabbard紋路取自 春秋 王子嬰次爐 斜方格穀粒紋    【奇字劍 The Sword of Qi Zi】以輕透無暇的古玉,打造稀世的寒冰玉劍。Color of the purest jade, the sword is a magnificent sight to behold on the battlefield.劍柄Hilt型態取自 戰國 奇字劍劍格 Cross-guard紋路取自 商晚期 融尊劍鞘Scabbard紋路取自 春秋 勾連雷紋鼎 勾連雷紋    【越王劍 The Sword of Yue Wang】冰劍出鞘寒光四射,被視為天下第一劍。Said to have belonged to King of Yue, the sword is renown for its sharpness and beauty.劍柄 Hilt型態取自 春秋晚期 越王州勾自作用劍劍格 Cross-guard紋路取自 商晚期 融尊 劍鞘 Scabbard紋路取自 春秋中期 盤龍方壺 蟠虺紋  【矽膠特性】   【商品包裝】  
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SiPALS|食兵器 - 劍形製冰器


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