
書名:Abuse & Energy: Bringing You Home Through the Transformational Power of Energy,語言:英文,ISBN:9780988499003,作者:Weigley, Mariane E.,出版日期:2016/05/11,類別:心靈養生

Abuse & Energy: Bringing You Home Through the Transformational Power of Energy

商品分類:博客來, 外文書, 心靈養生, 新時代, 超自然


A compelling journey from Abuse to Energy, Mariane Weigley takes her readers to a greater understanding of the essential idea You Are More Than You Think You Are. This book advances the premise that we are energy! It shares very personal life stories of emotional abuse, allowing the reader to apply concepts bringing a greater understanding of their own lives. Individuals, therapists, psychologists, women’s group leaders will discover that empowerment begins when the reaction ends. Original.
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Abuse & Energy: Bringing You Home Through the Transformational Power of Energy

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